> Quach Keo Hoa - GRAIN UKRAINE

Quach Keo Hoa


Guangzhou Donlinks International Investment Co., Ltd
July, 2014: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
I am the Director and General Manager of Guangzhou Donlinks International Investment Co., Ltd and Guangzhou Donlinks Group Co., Ltd.
I have more than 25 years experience of commodity trading in China market. I spent initial 13 years in multinational trading houses to sell agricultural commodities to China and remaining 12 years with local company. For my past 25 years, I was involved in import and export of agri-commodities to and from China, project development, distribution of feed raw materials in China and currently, I am responsible for business operation section of Donlinks Group.
Donlinks Group is a privately owned limited company in Guangdong province, South China and its core businesses include oilseed crushing and vegetable oil refining, palm oil fractionation, agricultural import & export, fertilizer mining and trading, car hub manufacturing and real estate development. Its wholly owned subsidiary, Guangzhou Donlinks International Investment Co., Ltd, is being listed on the main board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Annual turnover for the Group was over US$3.4 billion.


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