> Bohdan Kostetskiy - GRAIN UKRAINE

Bohdan Kostetskiy

Bohdan Kostetskiy

Operational Partner of Barva Invest trading and analytical company


Bohdan Kostetskiy has more than 20 years of experience in the grain and oilseeds trading market. He started his career in 1998 as Chief Executive and COO of C.F.C. Ukraine Ltd, he also held positions of Executive Director at Olimpex Ltd, Deputy Chief Trader at Alfred C. Toepfer International, Trader at Cargill and Gavilon-Ukraine, Head of Grain Trade Department at Glencore Agriculture Ukraine, Commercial Director at Bunge in Ukraine and Russia, and then he was appointed Commercial Director of the State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine (SFGCU). 

In 2020, Bohdan Kostetskiy slightly shifted his career focus and became a co-owner and operational partner of Barva Invest trading and analytical company, which provides market players with professional support in building an effective grains and oilseeds trading strategy, services for managing trading positions and risks, analytical research and forecasting market conditions.

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