> Oleg Levchenko - GRAIN UKRAINE

Oleg Levchenko

Oleg Levchenko

Oleg Levchenko

CEO of GrainCorp Ukraine LLC

Oleg Levchenko started working as a regional sales manager in the east and southeast of Ukraine in the companies Monsanto SA, Bayer AG. He’s been in the grain trade since 1999 (an analyst in Tradigrain SA Company).
In 2003 he opened the office of Voest Alpine Intertrading, Linz, Austria in Kiev (grain trade and investments in the agricultural sector of Ukraine).
In 2008 he implemented a project on constructing a linear elevator Vasilko in Piryatinsky Raion of Poltava Oblast.
He ran the business of Olam Company and Al Ghurair Company.
He’s currently developing the Ukrainian office of the Australian grain trader GrainCorp (grain / oilseeds trade, investments in the agricultural infrastructure of Ukraine).
In 1993 he successfully completed the course “School of Agricultural Banking, Credit & Finance for Ukraine”, College of Agriculture, Iowa State University. He graduated from the Economics Faculty of Belotserkovsky Agricultural Institute in 1995.
In 2004 he completed GAFTA Trade Foundation Course, Churchill College, Cambridge.
In 2006 he completed GAFTA Grade 2 Training Course on Contract & Sampling, Istanbul.

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